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Nanning Ida Electronic Tech Limited
Nanning Ida Electronic Tech Limited
12YRSNanning Ida Electronic Tech Limited


Company Album3

Basic Information
With 8 years in exporting used minilab, minilab accessories, minilab parts, photoshop necessities, we are able to supply you quality goods and excellent services. We serve customers in over 30 countries, and the number is rising.Main products include:1. Noritsu / Fuji /China made minilab machine2. Original, China made & used minilab spare parts3. Minilab accessories and minilab necessities4. Repair service, such as minilab laser, aom, PCB, power supply etc.5. Digital carrier for Noritsu/Fuji/Konica and other minilabsOur engineers are well trained in Noritsu and Fuji Co. They are qualified for repairing minilab laser gun, AOM driver, digital minilab PCB, power supply, and so on. We have improved the laser gun and innovated our own brand laser gun for easy use. Please contact us for more information.
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5 Reviews
  • 24 Transactions
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Business type
Trading Company
Country / Region
Guangxi, China
Main ProductsTotal employees
Fewer than 5 People
Total Annual Revenue
US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million
Year established
Product Certifications
Main Markets